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Creative Ad Specs PDF

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Ensure Your CTV Ads Meet Industry Standards

The quality and specifications of your creative assets are critical to the success of your Connected Television (CTV) advertising campaigns. With a detailed understanding of the required formats, dimensions, and technical specifications, you can ensure your ads look great and perform optimally across all platforms.

Our comprehensive guide, “Creative Ad Specs,” provides you with all the information you need to produce high-quality CTV ads. By following these specifications, you can enhance the effectiveness of your campaigns and deliver a seamless viewing experience.

In our guide, you will learn:

  • The required file formats, dimensions, and sizes for CTV ads.

  • Best practices for video and display ads to ensure optimal performance.

  • Specifications for streaming audio and digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising.

  • Technical requirements for video bitrate, audio quality, and file compression.

Download our guide today to ensure your CTV ads meet industry standards, maximize engagement, and drive superior results.

Start creating high-quality CTV ads that captivate your audience and boost your campaign performance.

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